Saturday, September 12, 2009

The first rain of the year!

I have been having a really fun weekend! Its been really relaxing. Filled with sleeping, eating really good food, and sight seeing. 
Today I went to the spanish steps with Sarah! It was so fun to people watch I am sure there were over 5,000 people there. It was crazy. The crazy part was when it started to rain  cats and dogs! seeing 5,000+ people try to find shelter from the rain was hilarious! We waited under an overhang for about 20 mins. and finally realized it was not going to stop raining so we walked home in the rain. It was kind of exciting. 
Lindsay my roommate brought me some chinese take out form this place bellow our building! it was so yummy! tonight I am staying in and resting for the street fair tomorrow morning :)
Try and find me...
crazy cab rides
Trying to get a cab... it worked by the way

Rain :)

Spanish Steps
Getting stuck in the rain 
watching people run from the rain 


  1. Shea, there are a billion people in that first picture! I would have freaked out!

  2. i know its crazy! and watching them all run away was sooo funny!
