Thursday, August 27, 2009


HEY everyone! i finally got to Rome! its been soo great so far. My first day here was a really long day! i was so tired so i took a little nap. My roommates and I all decided to go out to dinner it was so fun to get to know the girls! everyone is super nice and we get along great!

Today we slept in till about 10. After getting up, we went to the super market and bought some food for the next couple of days. It was a cool experience, but difficult at times. Simple things like going shopping was hard. like... You have to weigh your food and then get these print outs before you pay. I did not know this so when i got to the front of the line the lady got all mad. we held up the line for about 10 mins. before we figured out what she was saying. haha awesome right?!   We also went to out school for a welcome meeting. it was a long walk about 20 mins or so. Ill take some pictures tomorrow and show you. its really pretty.

Another great thing about my trip is that my old neighbors from home now live in Rome. she came and picked up all 7 of us and took us to a place like walmart and Ikea! I purchased a blow dryer! After,  we were all so tired from the long day that we just came home and made dinner.  Here are some pictures of me Apartment and my roommate! 
The Kitchen
My room
my view from my room! 


  1. HOORAY!!! Everything looks SO incredible!

  2. I'm so glad you are there and safe...

    Shea, I'm so so proud of you for making this journey! I love you!

  3. it is so incredible! ill take more pictures today !

    Thank you allison! Love you!
